The little Chubby Trico was the result of trial and error early in the 1970's. Hardly anyone fished or even knew what Tricos were at that time. Here in the Midwest the diminutive Trico is a staple from late June through September and beyond. Generally the spinner fall is the most reliable and predictable anywhere in the county and I first tied this pattern over 40 years ago to give me good visibility, floatation and durability. I also wanted a realistic body silhouette for a Trico, something most rising trout seem to prefer. Tricos tend to be somewhat "chubby" up front. The wings on this pattern have an ever so slight "V" to them so that one side or the other tips up a bit allowing the angler to track the fly amongst sometimes thousands of spinners. While not always the "perfect" pattern, every morning I've fished it from the Madison R. in the West to the Limestoners in the East to here in the Midwest it always produces good numbers of fish. I normally fish this with 18" to 24" of Umpqua 7x tippet added to a 9' 6x Umpqua trout leader. I always use a double Turle knot on this down eye hook which gives the fly the most realistic presentation. Same routine every morning – add a little Tiemco Dry Magic to the wings, catch a fish, wash the fly, put it in the Shimazaki Dry Shake, and catch another. For years, I've used this fly and the Trico spinner fall to mentor beginner fly anglers. For anglers I mentor with vision issues I use (as Umpqua does) a size 20 hook tied "short". My personal favorite size is a 22 and when things get just a bit tough I go to the 24. My most recent success was a high school lad who caught his first 6 trout ever on a fly rod on this Trico spinner pattern and who has most recently returned from his Marine tour of duty in Afghanistan and is now armed with a handful of "Chubby Tricos"and doing battle with crafty Midwest Brown Trout.